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package com.sample.integration;

public class Constants {
    //the name with which the report object should be saved in the session
    private static final String REP_PARAM_NAME = "reportParam";
    //the request parameter name for the report type
    private static final String REPORT_TYPE_NAME_PARM = "type";

    //the request parameter name for the solutions directory
    private static final String SOLUTION_DIR_NAME_PARM = "solution";

    //the request parameter name for the Action Sequence name
    private static final String ACTION_NAME_PARM = "action";

    //the request parameter name for the path to the action squence
    private static final String PATH_NAME_PARM = "path";

    //the request parameter name specifying whether the report should be run in background or not
    private static final String RUN_IN_BACKGROUND = "background";

    //allowed report types
    public static final String[] allowedTypes = {"xls", "pdf", "html"};

The web application which is going to access the Pentaho report will be responsible for creating a ReportParam object and setting the appropriate values for all its attributes. In case of a JSF/Portlet application, when a user selects the filtering criteria, report type, etc the web application will be responsible for validating the inputs from the user. This way the user can be asked to fill the mandatory filtering criteria which the application expects.

The following figure shows a report lookup screen based on the similar lines as Detailed Inventory Report:  

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When the user clicks the 'Generate Report' button then the JSF/Portlet application ( or any other web application ) will validate that the mandatory fields are selected. The 'View Report' link is not shown to the user unless the validation is successful. The following code snippet shows how this can be done in a JSF action defined in a managed bean:

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public class SomeManagedBean {
    private String productLine;
    private String reportType;

    public String validateAndShowReportLink() {
        String returnPage = "somePage";
        boolean isValidRequest = true;
        if(productLine == null || productLine.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
           //show an error message asking the user to select a product line item
           isValidRequest = false;
        if(reportType == null || reportType.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
           //show an error messahe asking the user to select the report type he/she wants
           isValidRequest = false;

       //if the request didn't fail any validation error then put the ReportParam object in session
       if(isValidRequest) {
          ReportParam reportObject = new ReportParam();
          reportObject.setActionSequenceName("Inventory List.xaction");reportObject.setParameter("productline", productLine);
          PortletSession session = (PortletSession)FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSession(false);
          session.setAttribute(Constants.REP_PARAM_NAME, reportObject, PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
          session.setAttribute("viewReportLink", "Y");
       return returnPage;
    //.. more actions and attributes

The validateAndShowReportLink method does the following:

  • Validates that the user has selected the mandatory options
  • Creates a ReportParam object and populates it with the parameters that needs to be passed to the Action Sequence
  • Adds the ReportParam object to the PortletSession.
  • Adds an attribute 'viewReportLink' to the session. The value of this attributes decides whether the 'View Report' link needs to be shown to the user or no

Portlets don't allow the content type of the response to be set to anything except text/html, therefore, an HttpServlet must be used to show the generated report from Pentaho. The 'View Report' link will invoke this HttpServlet and show the generated report to the user. If a portlet application needs to share session attributes with a servlet (in the same portal web application) then that session attribute must be set in the PortletSession's APPLICATION_SCOPE. This is the reason why the ReportParam object has been added to the PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE. The Servlet will make use of the ReportParam object and generate the parameters to be passed to the Pentaho server.

The Servlet that will access the Pentaho server needs to address the following points:

1. It should make use of some validation mechanism to access the server

2. It should be able to send an HTTP request to the server as a POST request instead of GET request

3. It should pass obtain the report from the Pentaho and pass it to the response of the web application which invoked the servlet


There are many ways in which a Servlet or any Java application can send an HTTP to a URL. In this article we will be using the Apache HttpClient to send an HTTP request to Pentaho server.

Sending HTTP request using HttpClient

Step 1. Obtain the ReportParam object from the session and create the request parameters that needs to be passed to the Pentaho server

Step 2. Create the PostMethod object and add all the parameters to it.

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PostMethod method = new PostMethod(pentahoServerURL);
method.addParameters(parameters); //add all the request parameters that need to be passed to Pentaho

Step 3. Set the default credentials

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Credentials defaultcreds = new UsernamePasswordCredentials("suzy","password");
HttpClient client =new HttpClient();
client.getState().setCredentials(null,null, defaultcreds);
client.getState().setAuthenticationPreemptive(true); //this will ensure that the authentication happens before the server asks for credentials

Step 4. Invoke the POST method on the Pentaho server and add the response obtained to the current reponse.

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OutputStream outputStream = response.getOutputStream(); //the OutputStream for the response that needs to be sent to the user
InputStream responseBody = method.getResponseBodyAsStream();
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
while (true) {
    int bytes =;
    if (bytes <= 0) {
    outputStream.write(buffer, 0, bytes);